The Oneonta Police Department Traffic Homicide Investigations Unit (T.H.I.) consist of Sergeant Mitch Latta, Sergeant Steven Adamson, Sergeant Jimmy Baldwin and Officer Tommy Herd. These four investigators underwent 80 course hours of classroom and field training to become certified in this field of law enforcement. This training included crime scene photography, taking measurement and drag factors to determine speed, movement, and points of collision.
These specially trained officers are given the duties of investigating serious or fatal car crashes, and utilize crash scene mapping and to-scale drawings to properly and accurately document fatal crash scenes.
A fatal crash is treated as a criminal investigation, and in many cases involves impaired drivers. In all fatal crashes, the completed investigation is turned over to the District Attorney's office to determine if any criminal charges will be pursued. Due to the detailed nature of these investigations they are very labor intensive. These officers are available on an on-call basis for any serious traffic collisions that occur within the city limits of Oneonta.