About Your Court Date
Traffic Citations
The court appearance date will be at the bottom of the citation in the space marked Court Appearance Date.
The court appearance date was given to you at the time you bonded out of jail.
General Information
The court is obligated to follow the date on our copy of the records.
If you have questions about your court date, please contact the court as soon as possible, but no later than the day before your scheduled court date.
Court Security Screening
Upon entering the municipal court area, you will be subject to a search of your person and your belongings. This search is carried out via an x-ray machine for your belongings, and a walk-through metal detector for your person. You may also be searched with a handheld metal detector and/or an actual physical pat down.
To ensure a quick and smooth entry into the court area, you should not have any of the items listed below:
Alcohol or drugs
Clothing with lewd or suggestive writing or images
Mace or pepper spray
You will not be allowed to leave any of these prohibited items at the security check point. You must leave the prohibited items in your vehicle. This is for your safety and the safety of others.