The Oneonta Police Department is a modern, progressive, full-service municipal law enforcement agency dedicated to the idea of providing superior police services to the community it serves. The Department is comprised of four operating divisions: Administrative Operations Division, Investigations Division, Patrol Division and Administrative Services Division. Personnel from each of these divisions also staff specialty units that provide unique or specialized services as needed including but not limited to the following: Evidence Technicians, Traffic Homicide Investigations, Too Good For Drugs, Finger Print Identification and Commercial Vehicle Inspection. Oneonta Police personnel are among the highest trained police officers you will find anywhere and we take great pride in serving our community. This website is designed to provide an overview of police personnel and resources used daily in an effort to make Oneonta a safe city in which to live, work and visit.
Contact Information:
Police Department Administration Office (205-625-4351)
Investigations (205-274-0588)
Fax (205-813-7198)
Email (
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